Sailing into the full catastrophe of living.
Have you ever wondered what it is like to be driven by an overwhelming desire for spiritual experience most of your life?
Explore with Alice through thirty tumultuous years, cycling, tramping, sailing, making love, sitting through spiritual retreats, teaching and raising a family. Taste life through mystical eyes, experience being raised to heaven, experience the torment of being plunged to earth when the heart fails.
Endlessly curious about life and the human journey Alice throws herself with abandon into the natural world, rough and raw, creating heroic confusion while plunging deeply into the mystery of mind. What she discovers at the end is not what she expected.
This is your chance to travel with her and come to understand why her desire for spiritual experience was so overwhelming, and why she found it so hard to make peace with ordinary living.
The autobiographical honesty and poetical language makes this story compelling. Hang on as you sail off with her into the ocean of stunning sunsets and wild ocean waves.
These sailing and spiritual musings — and many more — are detailed in Dyana’s Anchors in an Open Sea trilogy, beginning with book 1: The Yoga of Sailing.