by briant | May 4, 2017 | Editing, Fiery Scribes, Publishing, Writing
There’s an old saying that Content is King. But without Context, raw content can be misleading (fake news) and misunderstood (Google and other search engines). Context is Queen is the best way to understand the many ways that content can be most effectively...
by briant | Apr 10, 2017 | Editing, Writing
You’ve probably heard of ‘painting by numbers’. There are also systems that claim to help you write by numbers and edit by numbers. They claim their algorithms will detect necessary editing revisions. I don’t agree. No matter how many books these systems claim their...
by briant | Mar 5, 2017 | Editing, Fiery Scribes, Publishing
Fiery Scribes enjoy being writers and also thrive on solid editing work. Alongside writing our own novels, we provide the following services. Developmental Editing (also known as Substantive, Structural or Comprehensive Editing) Developmental Editing is...