by dyanaw | Jul 15, 2016 | Adventure, Dyana Wells, Novels, Sailing, Yoga
The boat is our vehicle and although it creaks and groans it’s pretty solid and unchanging for now. The boat gives us a sense of stability. Not like a house on solid ground, but a moving stability. Pea-pod shaped, not an extended cube. Minimal stability, like a...
by dyanaw | Jul 5, 2016 | Dyana Wells, Novels, Sailing, Trilogy
The science of yoga claims that all experience is a combination of the qualities of the five elements — earth, water, fire air and space. We know the world and ourselves as the ever-changing fluxing of these elements. Water, the sea, the rolling fluidity of...
by dyanaw | Jun 15, 2016 | Dyana Wells, Novels, Sailing
Sailing is all about the wind. We don’t know how she will be, and she is invisible. My long hair only wants to fling itself, wave wildly and throw itself around in the great excitement of saying hello to the wind. This is the reason I keep it long, for this...
by briant | Jun 11, 2016 | Dyana Wells, Sailing, Trilogy
The Yoga of Sailing is the first autobiographical novel in the Anchors in An Open Sea trilogy by Dyana Wells. Each book is packed full of sailing adventures and romance, while never far from the search for meaning and love. Dyana has been an avid explorer all her...
by dyanaw | Jun 5, 2016 | Adventure, Dyana Wells, Sailing
We motor slowly into a long glove-like harbour, looking for a good anchorage, depth sounding the bottom, manoeuvring around numerous shallow bars across the entrance. This is only our second stop since leaving Fiji and we are both silenced by the soft, unearthly...
by dyanaw | May 25, 2016 | Adventure, Dyana Wells, Sailing
The fiery globe screams down, blasting the morning into light, sprinkling through the open hatch, sneaking into the galley, flooding the open companionway. I climb up into the cockpit for a stunning view. It is never the same, because we are always moving and the...