by briant | Apr 29, 2017 | Brian Thurogood, Observations, Philosophy, Self Worth
Most cultures have concepts and aphorisms that encourage self worth. Most cultures don’t make these central to life and learning. For example: Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra) Self worth, self confidence and self esteeem. Integrity is more valuable than income....
by briant | Sep 3, 2016 | Adventure, Brian Thurogood, Dyana Wells, Fiery Scribes, Sailing, Yoga
Novels of Life and Adventure, including “Anchors in an Open Sea” Trilogy DYANA WELLS writes about family, sailing, love and adventure, all wrapped in spiritual autobiography. BRIAN writes about adversity and redemption, all wrapped in thrillers, both ancient and...
by briant | Aug 29, 2016 | Brian Thurogood, Observations
Many writers labour over the details of their characters and the environs they inhabit. In fantasy, the towns and cities and building can take on any form their imagination allows. In real life, Christchurch city in New Zealand has to juggle the reality of what is...
by briant | Aug 26, 2016 | Brian Thurogood, Fiery Scribes, Observations
Being Chinese / White / Other in New Zealand. Notes on a conversation between Alice Canton and Helene Wong. Held at Word Christchurch Festival on Friday 26 August 2016. Helene emphasised that many of the older Chinese liked the ‘fair go’ attitude in NZ and...
by briant | Jul 20, 2016 | Brian Thurogood, Red Diamond, Thriller
“Your art has become more important than the family.” “No, not more important but equally important.” “It’s like we have to juggle my work, Jill and your work in a constant war of give and take.” “You see it as a tug of war because you now need to take more...
by briant | Jul 10, 2016 | Adventure, Brian Thurogood, Red Diamond, Thriller
Fabian couldn’t help notice the efficient way Grant’s partners worked, a stark contrast to the time-wasting play-acting of the corporate meetings he’d suffered in the previous six months with various publishers and marketing representatives. “Kat, it’s great to meet...